SG (Smidt Groundwater) is an independent consultancy established in 2003. SG aims at:
- contributions to good water management;
- solutions or adjustments instead of a conflicts.
As a customer, SG can support you in reaching a desirable degree of sustainable water mangement. SG can offer advice and an extensive network in this process. If you are a stakeholder in a conflict or about to become part of a conflict, SG can help you and your conflict partner reach an optimal solution.
SG incorporates three things:
- 23 years of experience in international groundwater management
- 51 years of experience in dealing with conflict situations
- the experiences of other people and organizations with whom SG works with.
Ebel Smidt is a certified NMI mediator and member of the Foundation for Mediation, Environment and Planning. He is member of the board of this foundation. In my career I have had many practical experiences as a mediator. Through a mediation course at the certified Mediation Training Institute (MTi), I have become familiar with the theories of mediation.