Long-term projects
• Groundwater process and project leader of the ‘Active Soil Management Project’ in the Kempen, in the Netherlands. SG together with the stakeholders, a research institute, and four consultancies, defined a contamination problem (heavy metals) on a temporal and spatial scale. A solution to the problem has been found according to European guidelines. In 2006 also an input has been given to a cost benefit analysis of this project.
• Technical and institutional support to the Egyptian Groundwater Research Institute: For five years Ebel led the Dutch contributions to all components of the program: pilot projects for artificial recharge, the installation of a national groundwater quality network, and local groundwater quality studies. These activities implemented a more consumer demand driven approach of the institute and a transferal of non-research aspects to the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.
• Technical and institutional support to the Mozambican National Water Directorate (DNA):In five years Ebel guided the groundwater division from the buildup phase to a professional service-providing unit. Within the institution Ebel conducted tens of projects for groundwater exploitation. He greatly enjoyed the transferal of knowledge during my work and in training classes which he conducted at technical and university levels.
• Integrated watershed management support to the Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe (WMD): For the WMD, SG was responsible for the setup and training for a hydrological program monitoring watershed conditions in two cities in Eastern Indonesia. The program aims to obtain insight in watershed functions and to provide the starting point for an integrated watershed management plan.
• Management: development stage of a small consultancy firm in Egypt, reorganization phase of a soil department at a large consultancy firm in the Netherlands.
• On behalf of the inter-religious Movement of Mercy Ebel guides the process of publishing a series of booklets on modern mercy. SG contributes in kind in this process as part of its vision on how a sustainable society can be stimulated by simple means of small and large organizations.
Short-term projects
• Stimulus for the system approach of soil and water management: recommendations for the possibilities of improved management of soil and water through the system approach.
• Management of coastal aquifers in Yemen: summary and interpretation of existing technical information to analyze possible solutions to the overexploitation of groundwater resources.
• Project management for soil quality maps and legal issues
• Design and application of a model to simulate the flow of water in the unsaturated zone (FLUZO)
• Groundwater modeling for a new east west railway line (Betuwe line) in the Netherlands
• Groundwater calculations close to well fields (supplying drinking water) and to landfills
• Various projects in the field of groundwater protection
• Project identification: amongst others artificial recharge